I’ve taken the leap…. over to Patreon!  As of February 1, 2019, I’ve established a new cyber corner for the Pnut Gallery, my most loyal fans and friends!

After experiencing the peaks and valleys of the music business as an indie artist for over 20 years (I’ve played garages and dive bars to swanky civic centers and international festivals, been my own manager, been represented by the largest agency in the world and then dumped, won a reality show and a record contract, ripped up said contract, traveled the world, and made the best of friends who make up my musical family…) I still put my heart and my hopes in music. Making music is part of my life’s purpose. I am an Artist. My career has been, and always will be, propelled by my fans. I make music for YOU (and to heal and keep myself relatively sane). The connection I have with you, the listener, is an essential part of my experience – it’s the magic, the energy, the reason I get on stage. When my songs become YOUR songs, I feel so fulfilled. It’s my job, and my honor, to contribute to your life’s soundtrack.

“So WHY PATREON?” In the ever changing music business which seems to de-value our work at every turn, I admire this platform’s commitment to recognizing effort at so many levels that goes into creating art. Unfortunately, cd sales and downloads are at an all time low (and declining), and streaming sites like Spotify pay paltry royalty rates. In order to tour and continue to create more content – cd’s, videos, blogs, etc., plus hire the photographers, promoters, musicians, engineers, editors, not to mention babysitters… I need to create a monthly income. I also like the idea of not being restricted to the type of content I can provide. I can branch out ~ did you know I like to paint? Maybe poetry that stands alone from music… Maybe a book someday! And what about those side projects …I have a LOT to share with you! And I want to do it exclusively, and directly.  I am also blogging much more regularly on that platform, and enjoying the long form/ no holes barred expression with the opportunity for feedback and conversation.

“BUT WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME?” Oh so much! I am excited to create exclusive material that will ONLY be available to my patrons: bonus recordings, access to my demos, behind the scenes videos and live streams, members-only merch, discounts, blog posts, VIP Experiences, AND I intend on writing and making my new records in front of you! Yep, I’ll be testing out new material and inviting you to witness meetings and recording sessions. Blue Élan only releases a select number of songs from the pool that I create. You get to hear songs that may never make it onto a record. And I value YOUR input! You’ll hear all the material FIRST, before it’s released to the general public.

Whether or not you choose to join me on Patreon (www.patreon.com/cindyalexander), I am beyond grateful that you even take the time to visit my website and read this post.  I know there are so many platforms, and so many artists vying for your attention. It is my intention to create something worthy of your participation: a deeper personal connection, a community of like minded music fans, and an exclusive all-access pass to my creative and personal journey. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support.

XO Cindy aka Pnut

Seth and Tony Door Art

Over the summer, I performed for Seth & Tony’s House Concert series.   Not only did I enjoy L.A.’s finest taco cart and eat cake with my picture on it,  I made some new friends in a community that enjoys and supports independent live music.  When I heard that Kevin Fisher was going to be entertaining at the next concert, I quickly bought a ticket.

Let’s backtrack….  Before I played my first show back in the 90’s, I used to hang out at Genghis Cohen on Fairfax Avenue and learn by watching L.A.’s finest singer-songwriters.  Some of my favorites were Vonda Shepard (whom I’ve opened for several times over the last 20 years), Dan Bern, Danny Peck, Kevin Montgomery (who became a dear friend) and Naked to the World.  Kevin Fisher was the lead singer and songwriter of Naked to the World, and to this day, some of his songs are indelibly stuck in my brain.  We orbited in the same circles but never really connected until the night I went to his show at Seth & Tony’s.  As I remembered, his songs were poignant, funny and super smart.  We chatted after the show and made a date to try to co-write a holiday tune.  I had it in my head that I wanted to have something to release before the end of the year for my fans.

My first co-write with Kevin yielded the tune “Christmas in the Ordinary.”  It came fast and easily, and we decided to keep going!  In a p-nutshell, Kevin and I share similar backgrounds and values, and swim in the same head space.  On a whim, we created a side duo project and we’ve dubbed ourselves…. The Humming Bards.  Our first collaboration is a completely fan funded holiday EP called “Holy Common Ground.”   It’s a collection of songs for Everyone- “whatever you believe, whatever road you’re on.”    I hope you get a chance to listen to it!  The EP releases November 16th on my own JamCat Records.  There are only a few limited edition, autographed physical copies available in my store, but you can also download it from iTunes on 11/16.

Art by Lynanne Petroff (Please visit her page, Lynanne’s Creations on Facebook)

We’d like The Humming Bards facebook page to be a community that fosters and inspires creativity.  We were so touched when the gifted Lynanne Petroff  (@LynannePetroff) posted her artwork inspired by one of our online concerts.   (If you’ve never checked out my live Concert Window broadcasts, please do!  Be sure to register so you can participate in the live chats.  Most shows are free or “pay what you can. www.concertwindow.com/cindyalexander.  Next show is December 2, 2018.)

Kevin and I are scheduling house concerts for 2019.  We will be performing our own material plus the new songs we’ve written (and continue to write) for The Humming Bards.   Please email me (cindy@cindyalexander.com) if you are interested in hosting!

Wishing you all a beautiful holiday season ahead. With much love and gratitude,

Cindy aka pnut

Our new EP! Available November 16, 2018


You don’t really realize how stressed you’ve been until you have a moment to relax. Relax and take it all in – notice the beauty and teachable moments in the ordinary activities of daily life. I just watched the roundabout, but beautifully choreographed, flight of a Monarch through my backyard and the moment when it stopped on the leaf of my Meyer Lemon tree. I follow it around, talk to it, but I can’t touch it – it’s off to visit my next door neighbor now. Perry asks me if I always talk to butterflies and I say “of course! They are kind enough to visit – you should at least say ‘hello’!” Butterflies appear in quite a few of my songs, because they are always appearing in my life. They follow ME as much as I follow them – and I often think of their appearances as spiritual visits.


While I’m in the yard, Jette calls to me from the upstairs balcony – she’d like a waffle, the “fluffy kind” with chocolate chips. It’s summer. Anything goes. A fluffy waffle with chocolate chips even though she already had eggs, chicken apple sausage, milk, toast, strawberries….no problem. I put a couple of spinach leaves on top for a color pop (and because that’s how she pays for the chocolate chips…by ingesting spinach leaves. Green veggies are currency in my house).


As I forego the name “Cindy Alexander” and become predominantly “Mommy” for a while, I can let go of all of the administrative tasks and planning that goes into touring.   I am my own tour manager, production manager, stage hand, merchandise salesperson, groupie…..  and it all takes hours and hours and hours of preparation and execution.


As I said, I didn’t realize how stressed I was. When I finished up my dates with the Bacon Brothers in Minneapolis (I love those guys), I met the family in Seattle for some quality time and a much needed vacation. My parents treated us to an Alaskan cruise and I know that together, we’ve made memories that will last a lifetime. I went zip lining for the first time over the Ketchikan rainforest, hiked in Skagway and floated on a river fed from a glacier. We played with Husky puppies training for the Iditarod and watched fireworks in Butchard Gardens in Victoria B.C..   Yes, I lead a beautiful life and I am so very blessed.

Alaska Cruise
Glaciers are a reminder of the passage of time, and how young we are in comparison to Mother Earth. Isn’t she beautiful!?

Another nice thing about being off the road is that I get to be in the audience for a change. I love listening to live music and getting inspired by other artists. I saw Kevin Fisher last night at Seth & Tony’s house concert (he’s brilliant!) and next week I’m going to see Lucinda Williams, Steve Earl and Dwight Yoakum at the Greek Theater.

I’m definitely in writing mode these days… lots of songs floating around my head and through my Steinway piano and Taylor guitar.   I look forward to sharing them with you soon.



THANK YOU to all of you who take the time to read my Pnut’s Ponderings, who listen to my music and make my songs, your songs. You are an essential and truly appreciated companion on my journey.  Until I see you next on the road, how about registering at Concert Window, where you can join me for a live, online serenade and chat?  It’s FREE! Click here:


Enjoy the rest of your summer!

XO Cindy